My first piece, called "Yellow Burst" is of one of the wild daffodils that sprang up of its own accord in my back yard. So vibrant and yellow, I tried to capture its cheery essence for the Daffodils show.

Then, we have a show entitled Sinners. I knew immediately which piece I was going to enter. I'm not sure if any of you knew my friend, Brad, but he was a good soul. After surviving heart failure and a replacement at an early age, he went on to try his damndest to be a good father and spouse, battling depression and BiPolar disorder along the way. He lived to make other people smile, and believed that only broing lives were ever considered perfect. An unapologetic mischief maker and marijuana activist, he is the perfect image of a benign sinner.

I painted this for the woman he left behind, and for his sons.